I made two more bees. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the minimunny iron bee was given to the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association. Tay–Sachs disease is "an autosomal recessive genetic disorder" for which there is currently no cure. A fan asked me to donate a custom for a TSD-related charity expo and benefit. I made this piece as a commission and contributed directly to the NTSAD. And here's a picture of it with another bee based on the 5" MadL platform.
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Hit me up at southerndrawl@gmail.com for any commission questions. It's also my paypal address . You can also follow me on flickr, facebook or instagram. I'm always happy to answer process or how-to type questions.
Currently available: 22" Rhino(labbit) and 4 1/2" Smiley Yellow Iron Snail, Rhino Troop, and Dun-209, . E-mail me or go to my store.
29 June 2011
More Bees!